PFG today

Polytechnic Flying Group has since creation in 1943 been closely connected with the Technical University of Denmark. Polytechnic Flying Group currently has around 65 active members, mainly engineers and engineering students. New members are always warmly welcomed, regardless of their education. If you are interested in joining the club, please check here: Getting started

Our home base is Kalundborg Airfield, where we fly every weekend from the end of March until October. Although the airfield is 100 km west of Copenhagen, getting there is normally no big problem. Transportation with another member of the club can usually be arranged. At the airfield grounds we have a spacious clubhouse, offering the option to stay overnight during weekends, thus enabling flying all weekend days. Please bring a blanket or a sleeping back, and a comfortable bed will be put at your disposal.

At the DTU Lyngby Campus we have a large workshop and meeting room, where all maintenance are done during the winter season.

The club owns 6 gliders and one custom build tow plane. In addition quite a number of members have private gliders. Therefore it usually quite easy to get hands on a club glider.

Polyteknisk Flyvegruppe, Bygning 237, DTU, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby |

Flyveplads: Eskebjergvej 88B, Kaldred, 4593 Eskebjerg