Meteo France, Meteosat pictures and forecast, web page
Satellite animation : Europe, France
UK Met Office web page
Surface pressure forecast: charts
EUMETSAT pictures : IR - Vis
GFS Model Forecasts (from Unisys Weather, USA). web page
Precip/SL pressure 3 days forecast for Europe - ECMWF SL pressure/500mb height, 4 panel
University of Wyoming Weather page
Sounding (temp) observations
NOAA RUC-soundings, Temp forecast, GFS model web page
EKKL Arnborg
Georg Müller (Karlsruhe) Wetter-zentrale
Topkarten or direct to "Bracknell Fax" or "MSLP analyses" or "24h forecast"
Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut. web page
Vejrudsigter - Byvejr - Vejret lige nu - DK Metar+TAF - Flygmet
Syvdøgnsudsigt - Seneste NOAA satellitbilleder - Seneste radarbilleder
Risø Online Wind Measurements web page
Østerild - Høvsøre - Risø - Rødsand 2 - Horns Rev
SMHI : satellitbilder : Vis - IR
Vä : Nederbörd - Molnbas - Termikhöjd
TopMeteo : Gliding charts
RASP Scandinavia : Danmark
Niels Thomsen : Danish RASP Page : Europe, Vis - Denmark - Europe, IR
Bedre vejr (Gl. DMI), Eskebjerg - Bedre vejr, Eskebjerg

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